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On a Mac: macOS 10.14+, Xcode 10.1+, Python 3.4+, CMake 3.15.0+.

On Windows: Windows 10, Python 3.4+, CMake 3.10.2+, Ninja, Git, Oracle JDK 8, and Android Studio (with Android NDK, see the installation instructions for further details).

On Ubuntu 18.04: sudo apt update && sudo apt install git cmake ninja-build python python3-distutils openjdk-8-jdk qemu-kvm plus Android Studio (with Android NDK, see the installation instructions for further details).

Step 1: Clone the Boden Repo

git clone --recurse-submodules

Step 2: Generate and Open an IDE Project

cd boden
python open -t bodendemo

This will bring up Xcode on macOS or Android Studio on Linux/Windows.

If anything goes wrong, please make sure that all dependencies are installed and set up correctly. Check out our extended guides for help:

Step 3: Run a Boden Example Application

In Xcode, select the bodendemo target and hit Cmd+R.

In Android Studio, select the bodendemo target and hit Shift+F10.

Step 4: Create Your First Boden Application

Still with us? Great! Now learn how to create your first Boden application.

Something didn't work?

Let us know. We're happy about your feedback.