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The type of return key to use when displaying a software keyboard.


namespace bdn::ui
    enum class ReturnKeyType
        Default,        // Android: IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED, iOS: UIReturnKeyDefault
        Continue,       // Android: N/A, iOS: UIReturnKeyContinue
        Done,           // Android: IME_ACTION_DONE, iOS: UIReturnKeyDone
        EmergencyCall,  // Android: N/A, iOS: UIReturnKeyEmergencyCall
        Go,             // Android: IME_ACTION_GO, iOS: UIReturnKeyGo
        Join,           // Android: N/A, iOS: UIReturnKeyJoin
        Next,           // Android: IME_ACTION_NEXT, iOS: UIReturnKeyNext
        None,           // Android: IME_ACTION_NONE, iOS: N/A
        Previous,       // Android: IME_ACTION_PREVIOUS, iOS: N/A
        Route,          // Android: N/A, iOS: UIReturnKeyRoute
        Search,         // Android: IME_ACTION_SEARCH, iOS: UIReturnKeySearch
        Send            // Android: IME_ACTION_SEND, iOS: UIReturnKeySend

Enum Values

  • ReturnKeyType::Default

    Use case: Let the operating system decide what's the most appropriate title for the return key button.

    Corresponds to UIReturnKeyDefault on iOS and to IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED on Android. Shows "return" in the return key button on iOS. Most likely shows "return" or "done" in the return key button on Android.

  • ReturnKeyType::Continue

    Use case: Continue to the next page when entering text while navigating.

    Corresponds to UIReturnKeyContinue on iOS. Not supported on Android (falls back to IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED). Shows "Continue" in the return key button on iOS.

  • ReturnKeyType::Done

    Use case: Complete a form or other group of inputs.

    Corresponds to UIReturnKeyDone on iOS and to IME_ACTION_DONE on Android. Shows "Done" as the return key button's title.

  • ReturnKeyType::EmergencyCall

    Use case: Call emergency services.

    Corresponds to UIReturnKeyEmergencyCall on iOS. Not supported on Android (falls back to IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED). Shows "Emergency Call" as the return key button's title.

  • ReturnKeyType::Go

    Use case: Go to a given destination entered in a form field.

    Corresponds to UIReturnKeyTypeGo on iOS and to IME_ACTION_GO on Android. The title displayed in the return key button is "Go".

  • ReturnKeyType::Join

    Use case: Join something, e.g. a wireless network.

    Corresponds to UIReturnKeyTypeJoin on iOS. Not supported on Android (falls back to IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED). The return key button displays "Join".

  • ReturnKeyType::Next

    Use case: Move to the next input source.

    Corresponds to UIReturnKeyTypeNext on iOS and to IME_ACTION_NEXT on Android. The return key button displays "Next".

  • ReturnKeyType::None

    Use case: It doesn't make sense to display a return key for the given input.

    Unsupported on iOS. Corresponds to IME_ACTION_NONE on Android. The software keyboard will most likely display a return key.

  • ReturnKeyType::Previous

    Use case: Return to the previous input source, e.g. in a form or other group of input sources.

    Unsupported on iOS. Corresponds to IME_ACTION_PREVIOUS on Android. The software keyboard will display a return button indicating backwards movement, e.g. a left-facing arrow.

  • ReturnKeyType::Route

    Use case: Provide driving directions or other route information.

    Corresponds to UIReturnKeyTypeRoute on iOS. Not supported on Android. Displays "Route" in the return key button.

  • ReturnKeyType::Search

    Use case: Search for something.

    Corresponds to UIReturnKeySearch on iOS and to IME_ACTION_SEARCH on Android. Shows "Search" as the return key button's title on iOS and displays a magnifying glass icon on Android.

  • ReturnKeyType::Send

    Use case: Send something, e.g. a message.

    Corresponds to UIReturnKeySend on iOS and to IME_ACTION_SEND on Android. Shows "Send" as the return key button's title on iOS and displays an icon representing a "send" action (e.g. a paper plane) on Android.

