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Represents a two-dimensional size comprised of width and height floating point numbers with double precision.

Size objects are used throughout the framework to work with measurements and layouts. By default, a size in Boden is used to represent unscaled coordinates (points) and might be translated to physical pixels as required by the framework.


namespace bdn {
    struct Size

Public Member Variables

  • double width = 0;

    A double representing the width of the Size object. Defaults to 0.

  • double height = 0;

    A double representing the height of the Size object. Defaults to 0.

Creating a Size Object

  • constexpr Size()

    Constructs a Size object with width and height initialized to 0.

  • constexpr Size(double width, double height)

    Constructs a Size object with the given width and height.

Representing Non-Sizes

  • static constexpr double componentNone();

    Represents a size component set to a non-value. Non-values are represented as std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity().

  • static constexpr Size none()

    Returns a new Size object with width and height both initialized to componentNone().

Calculating with Sizes

  • Size operator+(const Size &o)

    Adds the right hand size value to the left hand size value by performing component-wise addition.

  • Size &operator+=(const Size &o)

    Adds the given right hand size value to the left hand size value by performing component-wise addition and stores the result in the left hand size value.

  • Size operator-(const Size &o)

    Subtracts the right hand size value from the left hand size value by performing component-wise subtraction.

  • Size &operator-=(const Size &o)

    Subtracts the given right hand size value from the left hand size value by performing component-wise addition and stores the result in the left hand size value.

