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Queues and executes arbitrary functions on a thread.


namespace bdn {
    class DispatchQueue


  • using Function = std::function<void()>
  • using Clock = std::chrono::steady_clock
  • using TimePoint = Clock::time_point

Creating a DispatchQueue Object

  • DispatchQueue(bool slave = false)

    Constructs a dispatch queue. If slave is false (the default), creates and manages a thread for the dispatch queue. If slave is true, the queue will not create a thread on its own. This is handy if there is already a thread/run loop which should be integrated with the dispatch queue.

Dispatching Methods to the Queue

  • void dispatchSync(Function function)

    Dispatches a functionon the dispatch queue thread and waits for it to finish.

  • void dispatchAsync(Function function)

    Dispatches a function on the dispatch queue thread and returns immediately.

  • template <> void dispatchAsyncDelayed(std::chrono::duration<> delay, Function function)

    Dispatches a function to run on the dispatch queue thread after the delay.

Creating Timers

  • template<> createTimer(std::chrono::duration<> interval, std::function<bool()> timer)

    Creates a timer that will run timer repeatedly on the dispatch queue's thread every interval until timer returns false.

Controlling the Queue's Internal Processing

  • void enter()

    Starts processing synchronously until cancel is called. Only allowed if slave was true during construction.

  • void cancel()

    Stops processing as soon as possible.

  • void executeSync()

    Executes the next function scheduled on the queue and returns.

