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Building on Linux

To build Android apps on Linux, the following dependencies need to be installed:

  1. Ubuntu 18.04
  2. Git
  3. OpenJDK 8
  4. Python 2.7+ (required for Android Studio command-line tool)
  5. Python 3.4+ (with python3-distutils)
  6. CMake 3.10.2+
  7. Ninja
  8. qemu-kvm
  9. Android Studio (with Android NDK)


If you are not sure whether all of the dependencies listed above are installed, jump to the Dependency Installation Guide for Android on Linux and follow the steps listed there to install them.

Follow these steps to set up Boden for Android development on Ubuntu:

  1. Open up a terminal and clone the git repository:

    git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Run the boden build tool to generate an Android Studio project:

    cd boden
    ./boden open -p android -t bodendemo
  3. Wait for Android Studio to finish its gradle sync and configuration, select the bodendemo target and press Shift+F10 to build and run the example application.


If Android Studio displays an error stating that permission to /dev/kvm is denied, make sure that you have added your user to the kvm group.

Continue to Your first Boden application to learn how to create your first Boden app.

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